Safeguarding Policy statement for Children and Adults at risk.

The Kirk Session of this Church aim through the implementation of the Taking Care of All guidelines of PCI to provide a safe environment where children, young adults and others can, through learning and participation, enjoy social contact leading to enhanced spiritual and personal development.

Adults, both leaders and helpers selected to work within our Youth Ministries, should be secure in the knowledge that they have full support of the Kirk Session.

Leaders of the Church organisations have been issued with a copy of these guidelines and are expected to adhere to them.

• This policy is a legal requirement.
• Biblically based: 1 Peter 5 Chap 2. “Be shepherds of God’s flock”
• It is for the protection of the children, leaders and staff and ultimately the organisations of the Church.
• Kirk Session will review the existing Safeguarding policy on a 3 yearly basis.


Training is provided for those leaders and helpers who require PCI refresher training by a recognised Taking Care trainer. Their accreditation and training should occur every 3 years.

For any safeguarding issues arising within the congregation any of the following persons can be contacted in confidence.

Rev. Norman Smyth

Clerk of Session
Ken Toal
Designated Officer
Dr Pamela Marshall

Further information on Taking Care Child Protection and / or Adult Safeguarding can be accessed on the following website: care

Contact details:
The Taking Care office (9am to 5pm 028 9041 7290 or the Head of Safeguarding for PCI can be reached out of hours in an emergency at 028 9041 7235)

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