Churches have always been the focal point of their community, a place where people could turn to for companionship and support. We’re pleased to say that Christian community spirit in Markethill is still very much in evidence today.
Markethill Presbyterian Church exists to introduce people to Jesus, and this is why we constantly are finding new ways to reach to our local community! We shouldn’t pour all of our energy and resources into erecting a wonderful, comfortable building with the hope that people will wander in—we need to be out building relationships with them.
Parent and toddler group, run by Markethill Presbyterian Church. We meet every Wednesday in the Small Memorial Hall at 10am until 11.30am. Everyone is welcome! Parent and toddler groups provide a meeting place for parents and carers with babies and small children.
Youth Club for young people of High School age+ in the Markethill Community. An outreach of Markethill Presbyterian Church. Volunteer staff vetted by Presbyterian Church in Ireland.
Summer Bible Club is an exciting week of Bible teaching, games and activities for children and young people at the end of June. Since 2021, we have met in the grounds of Markethill High School (kindly granted).
Contact: Rev Norman Smyth Contact: 07763 883192
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life.
The message at the heart of Christianity is pretty simple.
It’s all about one life, the life of Jesus, and it can be summed up in the answers to three questions. Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come? What does it mean for us?
European Mission Fellowship is a Christian, Reformed, Evangelical organisation that supports local churches, missionaries, church planting, publishing and theological education in 15 countries across Europe.
Since early 2022, we are privileged to be in partnership with the European Mission Fellowship to support the work of Pastor Mihai Chisari of Imago Dei Baptist Church in Chișinău, Moldova. Mihai is married to Irina and they have two young daughters. We had the joy of a visit from Mihai with Philip Dunn in October 2022.
Coordinator: Rev Norman Smyth Contact: 07763 883192
The remit for Global Mission includes developing mission overseas, developing partnerships with Churches and sending personnel. Previous campaigns have supported countries such as Burkino Faso, Honduras, the Phillipines and Egypt.
The United Appeal for Mission is at the very heart of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Every aspect of the Church’s mission depends to some extent on United Appeal. It supports projects, programmes and staff at home and overseas. It helps congregations and individuals to build God’s Kingdom through youth and children’s ministry, social action and the training of leaders, for example.
Belfast City Mission is an Urban Evangelistic Mission. It is one of the oldest Urban Missions still in existence. Their work is carried out in the inner-City districts alongside a number of areas in greater Belfast. Currently they cover 16 districts where they have Mission Halls and Centres used for evangelism. They are faith based but are supported in their work by many churches in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, auxiliary fellowships and generous donations and gifts from other churches and individuals. Every Christmas we support the Belfast City Mission through their Christmas Gift Appeal.
Markethill Presbyterian Church aims to help those in the local community who are falling on hard times. Through a partnership with the Armagh Food Bank we are assisting those who cannot afford the basic amenities such as food and clothes and financial support where possible. Donations to the Food Bank are received in the church porch every Sunday morning. The most urgent types of food currently needed are printed in the weekly announcement sheet.
Every summer Youth and Children’s Ministry partners with congregations from across Ireland, to help support them in mission amongst their local community. These teams provide a wonderful opportunity for young people aged 16 and over to get involved in serving outside of their normal context, gain valuable experience in personal evangelism and grow in their own walk with Jesus. If you’re interested in joining a summer team, contact Norman. As a congregation we see it as privilege to partner financially and in prayer with all our young people going on summer teams and mission trips.
WE’RE CHRISTIANS PASSIONATE ABOUT ENDING POVERTY. Tearfund helps us to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. Tearfund work through local churches to unlock people’s potential. When disasters strike, we respond quickly. We won’t stop until poverty stops.